Healing & Long Life in the Kingdom

What is the Lord’s millennial kingdom going to be like? We’ve looked at the Tribulation in chronological order, including Armageddon and the Lord’s Second Coming. We looked at the great day of the resurrection, Christ judging Israel and the Gentile nations. Then we began deep dives into the Lord’s millennial kingdom starting with a big visualization of what it will look like. We also looked … Continue reading Healing & Long Life in the Kingdom

The Wolf Shall Dwell with the Lamb

Today, we’ll going to be looking at even more happy verses that help us to visualize life in the thousand-year reign of Christ after His Second Coming. This is a literal, physical, visible kingdom. His kingdom will be (a) on the earth; (b) over the earth and (c) centered at Jerusalem. The Taming of the Animals Isa 11:6 The wolf also shall dwell with the … Continue reading The Wolf Shall Dwell with the Lamb

The Tribulation in Chronological Order

We now have on our Supply of Grace website thorough detailed exegesis on the entire Tribulation in chronological order. First, there will be the immediate appearance of the antichrist. That article also covers his rise to power over the course of the first 3 ½ years. Plus, we offered a high-level portrait of the antichrist. We looked at the characteristics of his kingdom as the … Continue reading The Tribulation in Chronological Order

Christ Judges Israel

No, this is not talking about the war in Israel. This is about what happens after the Second Coming. When the Lord returns, He comes straight down to the Mount of Olives out of the north. When His foot touches the Mount of Olives, the entire mountain explodes. There is a great trumpet. The angels gather the elect from around the globe, which are Jewish … Continue reading Christ Judges Israel

The Great Day of Resurrection

Last Friday, we covered the Lord’s Second Coming and Armageddon. Then the Lord’s foot touches down upon the Mount of Olives. We pointed out Zec 14:4, which told us, “And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward … Continue reading The Great Day of Resurrection

The Things of God and The Things of Men

Reading through Matthew’s gospel I am struck by the misunderstanding or lack of understanding Christ’s own apostles had concerning Him and His kingdom. I dare not say this with a measure of bravado, as if I would have known better. I read and study His Word today and I do not understand many things. Yet, it is important to point out ours and their lack … Continue reading The Things of God and The Things of Men

How the Weeping Prophet Found Joy

Jeremiah means “exalted of the Lord,” or “established by the Lord.” He was the son of Hilkiah. Anathoth, his hometown, was in Benjamin, about three miles northeast of Jerusalem. The first time the word of the Lord came to young Jeremiah was when he was a child in the 13th year of the child King Josiah, which was the year after Josiah’s reformation had been … Continue reading How the Weeping Prophet Found Joy

Ghost Stories: The Work of the HS in the OT

Can you quote any words the Holy Spirit ever verbally spoke to someone in the Bible? We know from Paul that the Holy Spirit speaks. He said in 1 Tim. 4:1, “The Spirit speaketh expressly.” The Spirit speaks! He has a mind, an intellect, volition, will, emotions, and He has a voice. He speaks! In Rev. 14:13, John writes, “And I heard a voice from … Continue reading Ghost Stories: The Work of the HS in the OT

The 144,000 are Fascinating

Who are the 144,000? What role do they serve in the Tribulation? Why do they exist in the book of Revelation? Why are they young, male virgins? The first reference to the 144,000 is in Rev. 7 even though they’re being marked and sealed takes place at the beginning of the Tribulation. There’s a reason for this. They show up in chapter 7 because of … Continue reading The 144,000 are Fascinating

The Nude Dude in a Rude Mood

Can you guess who I’m referring to? The Maniac at Gadara. This story is also told in Matt. 8:28-34 and Lk. 8:26-39. Typically, Mark gives abbreviated accounts of events, but on this occasion, Mark gives the longest version of this story with the most details. So let’s read Mark 5! I’ll occasionally interject other details from Matthew and Luke. Mar 5:1 And they came over … Continue reading The Nude Dude in a Rude Mood

A Proper Biblical View of Israel Today

My heart goes out to any nation brutally attacked as what happened to Israel, who has a right to defend themselves. And there is certainly nothing wrong with supporting our allies. But now the MCM, the Mainstream Christian Media, has gone into an eschatological frenzy over this war in Israel. Netanyahu is invoking Amalek and 1 Samuel 15:2-3 so they may be validated in their … Continue reading A Proper Biblical View of Israel Today

Gog & Magog

Because Israel is at war, I can tell that many Christians are 1) freaking out and 2) talking and reading a whole lot about the end of the world (as if Israel has never seen a war before). So the big thing right now is Bible prophecy. Bring it on! I love prophecy! I just spent 65 weeks going through the End of the World … Continue reading Gog & Magog

The Abomination of Desolation

I should start with a warning. We’ll be going through the Abomination of Desolation step-by-step, moment-by-moment. Essentially, what we’re talking about is mass genocide, and when we get to that section, I’m not going to pull any punches about the violence and the carnage. It’s awful. You’ve been warned. Let’s consider the context. What happens right before the Abomination of Desolation? The Death of the … Continue reading The Abomination of Desolation

The Household of God

“Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;”{Ephesians 2:19} The moniker “the household of God” denotes family and government. In time past Gentiles were strangers and foreigners to God’s household. In time past God’s household was manifest with the nation of Israel. Now with the understanding of the mystery of Christ there is … Continue reading The Household of God

Sacrifices in the Kingdom?

Hello, saints! I’m just sharing my notes from Wednesday night’s message. (I gave it my best shot on this topic, and I’ll always be open to anyone’s thoughts.) First, let’s read Micah 4:1-4. Mic 4:1 But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it … Continue reading Sacrifices in the Kingdom?

Who was Melchizedek?

These are my notes from Wednesday night’s message, which are kinda lengthy. Just so you know. We’re going to continue looking at the Lord’s millennial reign and the fact that Israel will fulfill God’s destiny for them to become a kingdom of priests. Not only that, but they’re a kingdom of priests under Christ as High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. What does that … Continue reading Who was Melchizedek?

How were OT Saints Saved?

How were the OT saints saved? Were works necessary or was it by faith alone? Did they have eternal security? We’re totally going to answer all these questions beyond any reasonable doubt! STOP what you’re doing and READ the entire chapter of Romans 4. Seriously. Read Romans 4. I’m not kidding. Are you done? Don’t pretend like you read Romans 4 and continue reading this … Continue reading How were OT Saints Saved?

Who is the Bride of Christ?

Did you know that the phrase “Bride of Christ” does not exist in the Bible? So how did this question ever come about as to whether the church or Israel is the Bride of Christ? I’ve heard that “Bride of Christ” is a dogma of the Catholic Church. J.C. O’Hair said this concept had been advocated by the Plymouth Brethren, which made its way into … Continue reading Who is the Bride of Christ?